Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Morning Phone Call

Goodmorning everyone! I received a call this morning from Whitney pretty early.  At first I was freaking out because I was wondering why she was calling so early. But I guess she had no clue what time it was. :) She was calling to tell me that the Neonatologist (??? is that what he's called??) called them and said that Ruby was doing "fantastic!" Obviously we're not out of the woods yet, but for a baby with this type of defect, she is doing as well as possible.  Woot woot!!

Also, I received a text this morning from Josh with the below picture.  Last night after the family left the hospital, Whitney and Josh couldn't sleep, so they decided to go visit Ruby.  It's been an emotional journey for Whitney, not being able to hold her own child.  But last night Whitney got to hold Ruby's hand for 15 minutes and change her diaper.  :)  After the doctor called them this morning, Josh said that the reason Ruby was doing "fantastic" and had a good night was because she was able to hold Mommy's hand. :) :)

Surgery is still on for 11am.

Let's go Rubalicious!!!


  1. Courtney, I have been following your blog. You are doing a fantastic job. I don't even know your sister and her family, but they are in my thoughts and prayers! Ruby is beautiful and that post is just precious! What a blessing to be able to hold her hand!

  2. Wow! How amazing is the Lord and the power of prayer and fasting! I am so excited to get to see Ruby go homke with her mommy and daddy!!!! Much love to everyone!

  3. Yes Courtney thank you for your blog! We are happy things are going well so far and are praying things keep going that way. If you need anything I am just down the street. I would be happy to help you or your sisters family.
    Mandy Richardson

  4. There is nothing like the bond of a mother and her child! Congratulations Whitney!
