Sunday, November 14, 2010

What is Diaphragmatic Hernia?

About a month ago, the Holley family received some scary news concerning their unborn baby, Ruby.  Ruby was diagnosed with what is called Diaphragmatic Hernia.  In a nut shell, Diaphragmatic Hernia is a birth defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the diaphragm.  Our diaphragm is the muscle that helps us breath.  Also, the diaphragm separates our heart and lungs from our other internal organs, like the liver, stomach, and intestines.  Without our diaphragm, our other internal organs would smoosh into our heart and lungs.  Ruby's diaphragm has a hole in it (or abnormal opening), which has allowed for her stomach and some of her intestines to travel up through it into her lungs.  Though this is very scary, there is a surgery that can be done to correct this defect.  So surgery is inevitable for Ruby.  But the main concern for Ruby is how strong her lungs are when she is born.  Usually, the outlook is very good for infants who have enough lung tissue.  That is why you might have heard to "pray for strong lungs!"

Taking all things into consideration, Josh and Whitney have been pretty optimistic.  Josh gave Whitney an amazing blessing and ever since Whitney has felt a lot of peace and comfort.  Both are still very scared and nervous (how can you not be), but the overall feeling is that everything is going to turn out okay.  

I, Courtney Shelby (Whitney's sister) has been asked to keep friends and family informed and updated with this blog.  I will try hard to update it often.  Thank you everyone so much for all your prayers and fasting. It has meant the world to Whitney and Josh and the rest of our family.

Lungs for Rubalicious!!!!!!!


  1. Courtney, thank you so much for creating this blog. It will be the best and easiest way for you to keep SO many people informed. I cannot take my mind off of Whitney right now. I will be anxious to get an update tomorrow.

    Love, Christy (Goold)

  2. PERFECT!!!!!! I will be checking back often! Miss you all.


  3. Good luck to mommy and baby nd all the doctors involved. Love to all!

  4. Go awesome, strong lungs!!! With a sweet name like ruby, there's no way her lungs will be weak sauce :) prayin for ya, ruby!!

  5. Well, you're off to a great start! She got here and is holding her own. God Bless you Whit and Josh. Sure do love you. Sue and Jerry Rapier.

  6. She looks great. Our prayers are with all -- Tom and Margaret
